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 مرحبا بكم في مطعم اليمن السعيد

بوكيت (تايلاند) شارع العرب  شارع سان سباي

Halal Restaurant

Yemen Brought to You

Pure Yemeni Mediterranean cooking is guaranteed to make you want to come back. Our food is prepared by experts who have been creating reliable Yemeni entrees and dishes for years. With our large variety of menu items, you will find something on the menu to make sure you go home pleased!

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مطعم اليمن السعيد

Al Yemen Al Saeed Staff

Al-Yemen Al-Saeed is not only a restaurant where you could find authentic Yemeni cuisine, but it is a unique experience designed to serve as a hub of Yemeni culture in the city of Phuket. Al-Yemen Al-Saeed serves dishes cooked in accordance with traditional Yemeni recipes using high quality ingredients.

Yemeni food is highly regarded in the Middle East for its rich flavors. Some of the staples are lamb mendi, haneeth with rice, and fahsa with freshly-baked bread. Bab-Al-Yemen is located in Kenmore Square and warmly welcomes each guest to discover and appreciate its food and hospitality.


Open lounge for families and groups on 1st floor.

floor sitting
Al Yemen Al Saeed Hall

An introductory overview of Yemeni food...

Yemeni cuisine emerges from the most important, richest, and most diverse Arabic dining hall, and combines a large number of foods and meals that represent the cultural heritage of that ancient country, and its being a land of civilizations. Successively, Yemeni food restaurants vary from one region or city to the end.

This Yemeni food has become famous in most Arab countries and has contributed to all parts of the world, as it is distinguished by its distinctive characteristics with a distinctive flavor and aroma and a distinguished place in international food lists. There is a country that does not have a restaurant that serves Yemeni food.

.....تبذة تعريفية عن الأكل اليمني

يعد المطبخ اليمني من أهم وأغنى وأكثر المطابخ العربية تنوعًا ويجمع بين عدد كبير من الأطعمة والوجبات التي تمثل التراث الحضاري لذلك البلد العريق وكونه أرض الحضارات المتوالية، وتختلف  عادات الأكل اليمني من منطقة من منطقة أو

مدينة واحدة إلى آخرى


أصبحت الأطعمة اليمنية مشهورة في معظم الدول العربية ودول العالم، وبخاصة الأطباق الشعبية التي تتميز بنكهة ورائحة فريدة تمنحها مكانة بارزة في قوائم الطعام العالمية ولا يوجد بلد يخلو من مطعم يقدم مأكولات يمنية

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